Community Conservation

Walkway with Black-eyed Susans, gravel, and other plants along it and building and traffic lights are in the far background
Community Conservation

What is Community Conservation?

Community conservation is the practice of integrating nature into your city’s landscape. Because every community is unique, different towns may integrate nature differently to bring the most benefit to residents.  

MDC staff can help you find and visualize ways to incorporate nature that will best fit your community's needs and budget.  

Why Practice Community Conservation?

Studies show that integrating nature into urban and suburban areas can yield a number of social, health, environmental, and economic benefits. These include:

  • Increased social connections fostered by outdoor gathering spaces. 
  • Decreased obesity as trails and open spaces promote exercise.
  • Better air quality (and better health) because trees and other plants filter pollutants.
  • Improved economies because people spend more time shopping in areas with shade trees and natural features.

These are only a few of the benefits nature can bring your community. 

Want to Get Started? MDC Can Help.   

Community conservation planners offer guidance and funding to help you make the most of nature where you live. 

For City Staff

  • Financial assistance, including grants and cost share for habitat improvement, green infrastructure, stormwater management, native landscaping, and other conservation practices
  • Technical assistance, resources, and conservation planning tools to guide development and land management practices
  • Training and education for conservation best management practices
  • Education and recognition opportunities for community tree care — Tree City USA

For Residents

  • Guidance for tree planting and care
  • Tips for attracting wildlife to your yard
  • Tried-and-true info native-plant landscaping 
  • Ways to support your city’s connections to nature

To learn more, contact your local MDC office.